The MidiFile class is an interface for reading and writing Standard MIDI files. MIDI file tracks are stored as a list of MidiEventList objects, which in turn are lists of MidiEvents The MidiFile class can be considered to be a two-dimensional array of events that are accessible with the [] operator. The first dimension is the track index, and the second dimension is the event index for the given track. Thus, midifile[2][15] would return the 16th event in the third track.
MidiEvents consist of a list of MIDI message bytes along with timing and other variables. For example, the construct midifile[2][15][0] would return the MIDI command byte for the 16th message in the third track, and midifile[2][15].tick would return the timestamp for the event (either in delta or absolute tick values, see the tick-related functions described further below).
Reading/writing functions
The two main member functions for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files are read and write. The argument to these functions can be either a filename or an input/output stream object. The status function can be called after reading or writing to determine if the action was successful.
read — Read a Standard MIDI File in binary or ASCII formats.
int read(const string& filename);
int read(istream& input);
Parse a Standard MIDI File from either a file or from an already opened input stream, and store its contents in the MidiFile object. The function can also handle ASCII text input that describes a Stadard MIDI file in the binasc format (either as hex byte codes, or in more structured content).
Read a MidiFile from a file with the read() function.
#include "MidiFile.h" int main(void) { MidiFile midifile; MidiFile"test.mid"); return 0; }
Use the MidiFile constructor to read from a file.
#include "MidiFile.h" int main(void) { MidiFile midifile("test.mid"); return 0; }
Source code for read on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::read -- Parse a Standard MIDI File and store its contents // in the object. // int MidiFile::read(const char* filename) { rwstatus = 1; timemapvalid = 0; if (filename != NULL) { setFilename(filename); } fstream input;, ios::binary | ios::in); if (!input.is_open()) { return 0; } rwstatus = MidiFile::read(input); return rwstatus; } // // string version of read(). // int MidiFile::read(const string& filename) { timemapvalid = 0; setFilename(filename); rwstatus = 1; fstream input;, ios::binary | ios::in); if (!input.is_open()) { return 0; } rwstatus = MidiFile::read(input); return rwstatus; } // // istream version of read(). // int MidiFile::read(istream& input) { rwstatus = 1; if (input.peek() != 'M') { // If the first byte in the input stream is not 'M', then presume that // the MIDI file is in the binasc format which is an ASCII representation // of the MIDI file. Convert the binasc content into binary content and // then continue reading with this function. stringstream binarydata; Binasc binasc; binasc.writeToBinary(binarydata, input); binarydata.seekg(0, ios_base::beg); if (binarydata.peek() != 'M') { cerr << "Bad MIDI data input" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else { rwstatus = read(binarydata); return rwstatus; } } const char* filename = getFilename(); int character; // uchar buffer[123456] = {0}; ulong longdata; ushort shortdata; // Read the MIDI header (4 bytes of ID, 4 byte data size, // anticipated 6 bytes of data. character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'M' at first byte, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'M') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'M' at first byte but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'T' at first byte, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'T') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'T' at first byte but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'h' at first byte, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'h') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'h' at first byte but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'd' at first byte, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'd') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'd' at first byte but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } // read header size (allow larger header size?) longdata = MidiFile::readLittleEndian4Bytes(input); if (longdata != 6) { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI 1.0 Standard MIDI file." << endl; cerr << "The header size is " << longdata << " bytes." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } // Header parameter #1: format type int type; shortdata = MidiFile::readLittleEndian2Bytes(input); switch (shortdata) { case 0: type = 0; break; case 1: type = 1; break; case 2: // Type-2 MIDI files should probably be allowed as well. default: cerr << "Error: cannot handle a type-" << shortdata << " MIDI file" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } // Header parameter #2: track count int tracks; shortdata = MidiFile::readLittleEndian2Bytes(input); if (type == 0 && shortdata != 1) { cerr << "Error: Type 0 MIDI file can only contain one track" << endl; cerr << "Instead track count is: " << shortdata << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else { tracks = shortdata; } clear(); if (events[0] != NULL) { delete events[0]; } events.resize(tracks); for (int z=0; z<tracks; z++) { events[z] = new MidiEventList; events[z]->reserve(10000); // Initialize with 10,000 event storage. events[z]->clear(); } // Header parameter #3: Ticks per quarter note shortdata = MidiFile::readLittleEndian2Bytes(input); if (shortdata >= 0x8000) { int framespersecond = ((!(shortdata >> 8))+1) & 0x00ff; int resolution = shortdata & 0x00ff; switch (framespersecond) { case 232: framespersecond = 24; break; case 231: framespersecond = 25; break; case 227: framespersecond = 29; break; case 226: framespersecond = 30; break; default: cerr << "Warning: unknown FPS: " << framespersecond << endl; framespersecond = 255 - framespersecond + 1; cerr << "Setting FPS to " << framespersecond << endl; } // actually ticks per second (except for frame=29 (drop frame)): ticksPerQuarterNote = shortdata; cerr << "SMPTE ticks: " << ticksPerQuarterNote << " ticks/sec" << endl; cerr << "SMPTE frames per second: " << framespersecond << endl; cerr << "SMPTE frame resolution per frame: " << resolution << endl; } else { ticksPerQuarterNote = shortdata; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // now read individual tracks: // uchar runningCommand; MidiEvent event; vector<uchar> bytes; int absticks; int xstatus; // int barline; for (int i=0; i<tracks; i++) { runningCommand = 0; // cout << "\nReading Track: " << i + 1 << flush; // read track header... character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'M' at first byte in track, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'M') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'M' at first byte in track but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'T' at first byte in track, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'T') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'T' at first byte in track but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'r' at first byte in track, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'r') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'r' at first byte in track but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } character = input.get(); if (character == EOF) { cerr << "In file " << filename << ": unexpected end of file." << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'k' at first byte in track, but found nothing." << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } else if (character != 'k') { cerr << "File " << filename << " is not a MIDI file" << endl; cerr << "Expecting 'k' at first byte in track but got '" << character << "'" << endl; rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } // Now read track chunk size and throw it away because it is // not really necessary since the track MUST end with an // end of track meta event, and many MIDI files found in the wild // do not correctly give the track size. longdata = MidiFile::readLittleEndian4Bytes(input); // set the size of the track allocation so that it might // approximately fit the data. events[i]->reserve((int)longdata/2); events[i]->clear(); // process the track absticks = 0; // barline = 1; while (!input.eof()) { longdata = readVLValue(input); //cout << "ticks = " << longdata << endl; absticks += longdata; xstatus = extractMidiData(input, bytes, runningCommand); if (xstatus == 0) { rwstatus = 0; return rwstatus; } event.setMessage(bytes); //cout << "command = " << hex << (int)[0] << dec << endl; if (bytes[0] == 0xff && (bytes[1] == 1 || bytes[1] == 2 || bytes[1] == 3 || bytes[1] == 4)) { // mididata.push_back('\0'); // cout << '\t'; // for (int m=0; m<[2]; m++) { // cout <<[m+3]; // } // cout.flush(); } else if (bytes[0] == 0xff && bytes[1] == 0x2f) { // end of track message // uncomment out the following three lines if you don't want // to see the end of track message (which is always required, // and added automatically when a MIDI is written. event.tick = absticks; event.track = i; events[i]->push_back(event); break; } if (bytes[0] != 0xff && bytes[0] != 0xf0) { event.tick = absticks; event.track = i; events[i]->push_back(event); } else { event.tick = absticks; event.track = i; events[i]->push_back(event); } } } theTimeState = TIME_STATE_ABSOLUTE; return 1; }
write — Write a Standard MIDI file from the MidiFile contents.
int write(const string& filename);
Write a Standard MIDI file from the MidiFile contents.
Example: Read MIDI file and then save a copy.
#include "MidiFile.h"
int main(void) {
MidiFile midifile;"input.mid");
return 0;
Source code for write on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::write -- write a standard MIDI file to a file or an output // stream. // int MidiFile::write(const char* filename) { fstream output(filename, ios::binary | ios::out); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: could not write: " << filename << endl; return 0; } rwstatus = write(output); output.close(); return rwstatus; } int MidiFile::write(const string& filename) { return MidiFile::write(; } int MidiFile::write(ostream& out) { int oldTimeState = getTickState(); if (oldTimeState == TIME_STATE_ABSOLUTE) { deltaTicks(); } // write the header of the Standard MIDI File char ch; // 1. The characters "MThd" ch = 'M'; out << ch; ch = 'T'; out << ch; ch = 'h'; out << ch; ch = 'd'; out << ch; // 2. write the size of the header (always a "6" stored in unsigned long // (4 bytes). ulong longdata = 6; writeBigEndianULong(out, longdata); // 3. MIDI file format, type 0, 1, or 2 ushort shortdata; shortdata = (getNumTracks() == 1) ? 0 : 1; writeBigEndianUShort(out,shortdata); // 4. write out the number of tracks. shortdata = getNumTracks(); writeBigEndianUShort(out, shortdata); // 5. write out the number of ticks per quarternote. (avoiding SMTPE for now) shortdata = getTicksPerQuarterNote(); writeBigEndianUShort(out, shortdata); // now write each track. vector<uchar> trackdata; uchar endoftrack[4] = {0, 0xff, 0x2f, 0x00}; int i, j, k; int size; for (i=0; i<getNumTracks(); i++) { trackdata.reserve(123456); // make the track data larger than // expected data input trackdata.clear(); for (j=0; j<(int)events[i]->size(); j++) { if ((*events[i])[j].isEndOfTrack()) { // suppress end-of-track meta messages (one will be added // automatically after all track data has been written). continue; } writeVLValue((*events[i])[j].tick, trackdata); if (((*events[i])[j].getCommandByte() == 0xf0) || ((*events[i])[j].getCommandByte() == 0xf7)) { // 0xf0 == Complete sysex message (0xf0 is part of the raw MIDI). // 0xf7 == Raw byte message (0xf7 not part of the raw MIDI). // Print the first byte of the message (0xf0 or 0xf7), then // print a VLV length for the rest of the bytes in the message. // In other words, when creating a 0xf0 or 0xf7 MIDI message, // do not insert the VLV byte length yourself, as this code will // do it for you automatically. trackdata.push_back((*events[i])[j][0]); // 0xf0 or 0xf7; writeVLValue((*events[i])[j].size()-1, trackdata); for (k=1; k<(int)(*events[i])[j].size(); k++) { trackdata.push_back((*events[i])[j][k]); } } else { // non-sysex type of message, so just output the // bytes of the message: for (k=0; k<(int)(*events[i])[j].size(); k++) { trackdata.push_back((*events[i])[j][k]); } } } size = (int)trackdata.size(); if ((size < 3) || !((trackdata[size-3] == 0xff) && (trackdata[size-2] == 0x2f))) { trackdata.push_back(endoftrack[0]); trackdata.push_back(endoftrack[1]); trackdata.push_back(endoftrack[2]); trackdata.push_back(endoftrack[3]); } // now ready to write to MIDI file. // first write the track ID marker "MTrk": ch = 'M'; out << ch; ch = 'T'; out << ch; ch = 'r'; out << ch; ch = 'k'; out << ch; // A. write the size of the MIDI data to follow: longdata = trackdata.size(); writeBigEndianULong(out, longdata); // B. write the actual data out.write((char*), trackdata.size()); } if (oldTimeState == TIME_STATE_ABSOLUTE) { absoluteTicks(); } return 1; }
status — Returns true if last read/write was successful.
Returns true if the list read or write was successful.
Source code for status on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::status -- return the success flag from the last read or // write (writeHex, writeBinasc). // int MidiFile::status(void) { return rwstatus; }
Two additional functions, called
writeHex and
can be used to print ASCII hex codes that determinstically
represent a binary Standard MIDI File. The
read function will transparently parse
either binary MIDI files, or their ASCII representations in one of these
two formats.
writeHex — Print MidiFile as a list of ASCII hex bytes.
ostream& writeHex(const string& filename);
ostream& writeHex(int);
Print the MIDI file as a sequence of ASCII hex bytes, formatted 25 bytes to a line and two digits each.
Example: Write a MIDI file with a single note as Hex bytes.
#include "MidiFile.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(void) {
MidiFile midifile;
MidiEvent event;
event.tick = 0;
event.track = 0;
event.makeNoteOn(60, 64);
event.tick = midifile.getTPQ() * 2; // half-note
return 0;
4d 54 68 64 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 01 00 78 4d 54 72 6b 00 00 00 0d 00 90 3c 40 81 70 90 3c 00 00 ff 2f 00
Source code for writeHex on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::writeHex -- print the Standard MIDI file as a list of // ASCII Hex bytes, formatted 25 to a line by default, and // two digits for each hex byte code. If the input width is 0, // then don't wrap lines. // // default value: width=25 // int MidiFile::writeHex(const char* aFile, int width) { fstream output(aFile, ios::out); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: could not write: " << aFile << endl; return 0; } rwstatus = writeHex(output, width); output.close(); return rwstatus; } // // string version of writeHex(). // int MidiFile::writeHex(const string& aFile, int width) { return MidiFile::writeHex(, width); } // // ostream version of writeHex(). // int MidiFile::writeHex(ostream& out, int width) { stringstream tempstream; MidiFile::write(tempstream); int value = 0; int len = (int)tempstream.str().length(); int wordcount = 1; int linewidth = width >= 0 ? width : 25; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { value = (unsigned char)tempstream.str()[i]; printf("%02x", value); if (linewidth) { if (i < len - 1) { out << (wordcount % linewidth ? ' ' : '\n'); } wordcount++; } else { // print with no line breaks if (i < len - 1) { out << ' '; } } } if (linewidth) { out << '\n'; } return 1; }
writeBinasc — Print ASCII version of MIDI file in binasc format.
ostream& writeBinasc(const char* filename);
ostream& writeBinasc(const string& filename);
Print ASCII version of MIDI file in binasc format.
Example: Write a MIDI file with a single note as binasc text.
#include "MidiFile.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(void) {
MidiFile midifile;
MidiEvent event;
event.tick = 0;
event.track = 0;
event.makeNoteOn(60, 64);
event.tick = midifile.getTPQ() * 2; // half-note
return 0;
+M +T +h +d 4'6 2'0 2'1 2'120 ; TRACK 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +M +T +r +k 4'13 v0 90 '60 '64 v240 90 '60 '0 v0 ff 2f '0
Source code for writeBinasc on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::writeBinasc -- write a standard MIDI file from data into // the binasc format (ASCII version of the MIDI file). // int MidiFile::writeBinasc(const char* aFile) { fstream output(aFile, ios::out); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: could not write: " << aFile << endl; return 0; } rwstatus = writeBinasc(output); output.close(); return rwstatus; } int MidiFile::writeBinasc(const string& aFile) { return writeBinasc(; } int MidiFile::writeBinasc(ostream& output) { stringstream binarydata; rwstatus = write(binarydata); if (rwstatus == 0) { return 0; } Binasc binasc; binasc.setMidiOn(); binarydata.seekg(0, ios_base::beg); binasc.readFromBinary(output, binarydata); return 1; }
Track-related functions
The MidiFile class contains a list tracks, each stored as a MidiEventList object. The [] operator accesses each list, and the getTrackCount function will report the current number of tracks in a MidiFile object.
operator[] — Returns the list of events for a track.
Returns the list of events for a track.
Source code for operator[] on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::operator[] -- return the event list for the specified track. // MidiEventList& MidiFile::operator[](int aTrack) { return *events[aTrack]; }
getTrackCount — Return the number of tracks in the MidiFile.
Return the number of tracks in the MidiFile.
Source code for getTrackCount on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::getTrackCount -- return the number of tracks in // the Midi File. // int MidiFile::getTrackCount(void) { return (int)events.size(); } // // Alias for getTrackCount() // int MidiFile::getNumTracks(void) { return getTrackCount(); } // // Alias for getTrackCount() // int MidiFile::size(void) { return getTrackCount(); }
The tracks in a MidiFile can reversibly be merged into a single
event list by calling the
function. This will cause the
function to report that there is one track in the file, and if the
file is written in this state, it will be saved as a type-0 MIDI
file (from which the multi-track state will not be recoverable).
Before tracks are joined, the events in each track must be in correct
time sequence, so the
function may need to be called before joining the tracks.
joinTracks — Merge all tracks into a single stream of events.
Merge the data from all tracks, but keep the identify of the tracks unique so that the function splitTracks() can be called to split the tracks into separate streams again. The style of the MidiFile when read from a file is with the tracks split.
Source code for joinTracks on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::joinTracks -- Interleave the data from all tracks, // but keeping the identity of the tracks unique so that // the function splitTracks can be called to split the // tracks into separate units again. The style of the // MidiFile when read from a file is with tracks split. // The original track index is stored in the MidiEvent::track // variable. // void MidiFile::joinTracks(void) { if (getTrackState() == TRACK_STATE_JOINED) { return; } if (getNumTracks() == 1) { return; } MidiEventList* joinedTrack; joinedTrack = new MidiEventList; int messagesum = 0; int length = getNumTracks(); int i, j; for (i=0; i<length; i++) { messagesum += (*events[i]).size(); } joinedTrack->reserve((int)(messagesum + 32 + messagesum * 0.1)); int oldTimeState = getTickState(); if (oldTimeState == TIME_STATE_DELTA) { absoluteTicks(); } for (i=0; i<length; i++) { for (j=0; j<(int)events[i]->size(); j++) { joinedTrack->push_back_no_copy(&(*events[i])[j]); } } clear_no_deallocate(); delete events[0]; events.resize(0); events.push_back(joinedTrack); sortTracks(); if (oldTimeState == TIME_STATE_DELTA) { deltaTicks(); } theTrackState = TRACK_STATE_JOINED; }
functions can be used to detect the current state of the tracks in
a MidiFile. By default, a MidiFile will be in the split state.
hasJoinedTracks — Return true if MidiFile is in the joined-track state.
Return true if MidiFile is in the joined-track state.
Source code for hasJoinedTracks on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::hasJoinedTracks -- Returns true if the MidiFile tracks // are in a joined state. // int MidiFile::hasJoinedTracks(void) { return theTrackState == TRACK_STATE_JOINED; }
When a MidiFile is in the joined state, the original track is stored in
the track variable of each
function returns the track index for when a MidiFile is in the
split state.
getSplitTrack — Get the track number of an event when MidiFile is in split state.
Get the track number of a MidiEvent when the MidiFile is in the split state. This function will return the original track index when the MidiFile is in the joined-track state.
Source code for getSplitTrack on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::getSplitTrack -- Return the track index when the MidiFile // is in the split state. This function returns the original track // when the MidiFile is in the joined state. The MidiEvent::track // variable is used to store the original track index when the // MidiFile is converted to the joined-track state. // int MidiFile::getSplitTrack(int track, int index) { if (hasSplitTracks()) { return track; } else { return getEvent(track, index).track; } } // // When the parameter is void, assume track 0: // int MidiFile::getSplitTrack(int index) { if (hasSplitTracks()) { return 0; } else { return getEvent(0, index).track; } }
Here are functions which relate to adding, deleting and merging
addTrack — Added one or more empty tracks to the MidiFile.
int addTrack(int count);
Adds a blank track at the end of the track list. Returns the track number of the added track.
Source code for addTrack on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::addTrack -- adds a blank track at end of the // track list. Returns the track number of the added // track. // int MidiFile::addTrack(void) { int length = getNumTracks(); events.resize(length+1); events[length] = new MidiEventList; events[length]->reserve(10000); events[length]->clear(); return length; } int MidiFile::addTrack(int count) { int length = getNumTracks(); events.resize(length+count); int i; for (i=0; i<count; i++) { events[length + i] = new MidiEventList; events[length + i]->reserve(10000); events[length + i]->clear(); } return length + count - 1; }
mergeTracks — Combine two tracks into a single track.
Combine the data from two tracks into one, placing the data in the first track parameter, and moving the other tracks in the file around to file in the spot where track 2 was deleted from. The results of this function call cannot be reversed.
Source code for mergeTracks on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::mergeTracks -- combine the data from two // tracks into one. Placing the data in the first // track location listed, and Moving the other tracks // in the file around to fill in the spot where Track2 // used to be. The results of this function call cannot // be reversed. // void MidiFile::mergeTracks(int aTrack1, int aTrack2) { MidiEventList* mergedTrack; mergedTrack = new MidiEventList; int oldTimeState = getTickState(); if (oldTimeState == TIME_STATE_DELTA) { absoluteTicks(); } int i, j; int length = getNumTracks(); for (i=0; i<(int)events[aTrack1]->size(); i++) { mergedTrack->push_back((*events[aTrack1])[i]); } for (j=0; j<(int)events[aTrack2]->size(); i++) { (*events[aTrack2])[i].track = aTrack1; mergedTrack->push_back((*events[aTrack2])[i]); } sortTrack(*mergedTrack); delete events[aTrack1]; events[aTrack1] = mergedTrack; for (i=aTrack2; i<length-1; i++) { events[i] = events[i+1]; } events[length] = NULL; events.resize(length-1); if (oldTimeState == TIME_STATE_DELTA) { deltaTicks(); } }
When a MidiFile is in absolute-tick mode (see further below), the
tick variable of
objects in the MidiFile are the total number of ticks since the
start time for the file. In the absolute-tick mode, MidiEvents can
be added to tracks in non-sequential order. To re-arrange the
events into proper time order (such as before writing the file),
use the
sortTracks function, which will
sort all
tracks in the MIDI file, or
sortTrack function, which will
sort a
particular track by its index number.
sortTracks — Sort all tracks in the MidiFile by event timestamps.
Sort all tracks in the MidiFile by event timestamps.
Source code for sortTracks on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::sortTracks -- sort all tracks in the MidiFile. // void MidiFile::sortTracks(void) { for (int i=0; i<getTrackCount(); i++) { sortTrack(*events[i]); } }
Time-related functions
MidiEvents stored in a MidiFile structure contain two public variables related to time:
- int MidiEvent::tick — Quanta time-units describing durations in Standard MIDI Files.
- double MidiEvent::seconds — Interpreted physical time units in seconds calculated by doTimeInSecondsAnalysis() from .tick data and tempo meta-messages stored in the MidiFile.
Event tick interpretation
Tick values on MidiEvents can be set to two types of states: (1) delta time, which indicate the number of ticks to wait from the last event in the track before performing the current event, and (2) absoute time, where the tick value represents the cumulative tick time since the start of the MidiFile until the performance time of the current event. Standard MIDI Files store tick times as delta ticks, but it is often more useful to manipulate event data with absolute ticks. The absoluteTicks and deltaTicks functions switch the event tick values within the MidiFile between these two modes:
deltaTicks — Convert timestamps into delta times.
Convert timestamps into delta times, which means that the time field in the MidiEvents structure represents the time since the last event was played. When a MIDI file is read from a file, this is the default setting. Typically a MidiFile will be in absolute time when inserting messages so that the messages do not have to be inserted in chronological order. When finished inserting messages, the tracks can be sorted by absolute time, and then converted to delta time with this function.
Source code for deltaTicks on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::deltaTicks -- convert the time data to // delta time, which means that the time field // in the MidiEvent struct represents the time // since the last event was played. When a MIDI file // is read from a file, this is the default setting. // void MidiFile::deltaTicks(void) { if (getTickState() == TIME_STATE_DELTA) { return; } int i, j; int temp; int length = getNumTracks(); int *timedata = new int[length]; for (i=0; i<length; i++) { timedata[i] = 0; if (events[i]->size() > 0) { timedata[i] = (*events[i])[0].tick; } else { continue; } for (j=1; j<(int)events[i]->size(); j++) { temp = (*events[i])[j].tick; (*events[i])[j].tick = temp - timedata[i]; timedata[i] = temp; } } theTimeState = TIME_STATE_DELTA; delete [] timedata; }
The isDeltaTime
and isAbsoluteTime
functions can be used to check
which mode in which the event ticks are currently given.
Tick values are symbolic time units, such as rhythms in music
notation. For example quarter notes do not have a specific duration
in seconds until a tempo is applied to the rhythm. Within Standard
MIDI Files, there is a field which specifies how many ticks represent
a quarter note. This convserion value can be read or set with the
following two MidiFile member functions:
getTicksPerQuarterNote — Return the delta time ticks units which represent a quarter note.
Return the delta time ticks units which represent a quarter note.
Source code for getTicksPerQuarterNote on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::getTicksPerQuarterNote -- returns the number of // time units that are supposed to occur during a quarternote. // int MidiFile::getTicksPerQuarterNote(void) { if (ticksPerQuarterNote == 0xE728) { // this is a special case which is the SMPTE time code // setting for 25 frames a second with 40 subframes // which means one tick per millisecond. When SMPTE is // being used, there is no real concept of the quarter note, // so presume 60 bpm as a simiplification here. // return 1000; } return ticksPerQuarterNote; } // // Alias for getTicksPerQuarterNote: // int MidiFile::getTPQ(void) { return getTicksPerQuarterNote(); }
Physical time of events
sortTracks — Sort all tracks in the MidiFile by event timestamps.
Sort all tracks in the MidiFile by event timestamps.
Source code for sortTracks on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::sortTracks -- sort all tracks in the MidiFile. // void MidiFile::sortTracks(void) { for (int i=0; i<getTrackCount(); i++) { sortTrack(*events[i]); } }
Other functions
writeHex — Print MidiFile as a list of ASCII hex bytes.
ostream& writeHex(const string& filename);
ostream& writeHex(int);
Print the MIDI file as a sequence of ASCII hex bytes, formatted 25 bytes to a line and two digits each.
Example: Write a MIDI file with a single note as Hex bytes.
#include "MidiFile.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(void) {
MidiFile midifile;
MidiEvent event;
event.tick = 0;
event.track = 0;
event.makeNoteOn(60, 64);
event.tick = midifile.getTPQ() * 2; // half-note
return 0;
4d 54 68 64 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 01 00 78 4d 54 72 6b 00 00 00 0d 00 90 3c 40 81 70 90 3c 00 00 ff 2f 00
Source code for writeHex on GitHub
////////////////////////////// // // MidiFile::writeHex -- print the Standard MIDI file as a list of // ASCII Hex bytes, formatted 25 to a line by default, and // two digits for each hex byte code. If the input width is 0, // then don't wrap lines. // // default value: width=25 // int MidiFile::writeHex(const char* aFile, int width) { fstream output(aFile, ios::out); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: could not write: " << aFile << endl; return 0; } rwstatus = writeHex(output, width); output.close(); return rwstatus; } // // string version of writeHex(). // int MidiFile::writeHex(const string& aFile, int width) { return MidiFile::writeHex(, width); } // // ostream version of writeHex(). // int MidiFile::writeHex(ostream& out, int width) { stringstream tempstream; MidiFile::write(tempstream); int value = 0; int len = (int)tempstream.str().length(); int wordcount = 1; int linewidth = width >= 0 ? width : 25; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { value = (unsigned char)tempstream.str()[i]; printf("%02x", value); if (linewidth) { if (i < len - 1) { out << (wordcount % linewidth ? ' ' : '\n'); } wordcount++; } else { // print with no line breaks if (i < len - 1) { out << ' '; } } } if (linewidth) { out << '\n'; } return 1; }
Static functions
Private functions
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